New Rain Barrel

We installed our new 60-gallon rain barrel yesterday. Just in time to collect the quarter-inch rain from yesterday evening’s thunderstorm. We purchased our barrel from the Great American Rain Barrel Company, through their Community Program. The Dover Democrats sponsored this event.

We anticipate needing the water collected for our gardens, given the ongoing drought that started last summer. Our part of New Hampshire is “Abnormally Dry.” Our lawn will not get much attention. If it dies, it dies. I am shifting our perennial gardens to more drought tolerant plants–sedum, goldenrod, bee balm, bayberry–and plants that survive chipmunk’s underground foraging. For example, chipmunks love tulip bulbs. This year, one lonely tulip will bloom. But I like chipmunks, so they get to frolic in our yard along with moles, voles, skunks. rabbits, and other denizens.