Ellen Snyder

I am an independent consultant and owner of Ibis Wildlife Consulting, with more than 30 years of experience specializing in habitat planning and management, land stewardship, open space planning, biodiversity conservation, science and nature writing.

From February 2017 to 2021 I served as the Land Stewardship Coordinator for the Town of Durham, New Hampshire. In 2014 and 2015 I assisted UNH Extension with the launch of the Stewardship Network: New England, now known as Nature Groupie. From March 2007 to March 2008 I served as the Community Land Protection Specialist for the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire.

From 2000-2003 I was Extension Professor and Specialist in Biodiversity for University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and Coordinator of the New Hampshire Living Legacy Project, a statewide public-private partnership to conserve the state’s biodiversity. Previously I served as the Extension Wildlife Specialist for 7 years. While in that position, I helped establish the New Hampshire Coverts Project, a statewide landowner volunteer program. 

Past field work included studies of small mammals in Pipestone National Monument in Minnesota, songbirds in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest of New Hampshire, forest birds in central Panama, and shorebirds in Downeast Maine.


In my town of Newmarket I serve on the Conservation Commission, currently as Chair.  Previously I chaired the Open Space Commission. I’ve helped conserve hundreds of acres for wildlife and people, create trails and interpretive materials, and provide input to land use decisions in the community. I also served as Chair of the Town of Newmarket Budget Committee.

For several years I served as a Board member for Bear-Paw Regional Greenways and as a member of the Southeast Land Trust’s (SELT) Land Stewardship Committee.

Currently serve on the NH Invasive Species Committee


  • Certified Wildlife Biologist, The Wildlife Society


  • B.Sc., Wildlife Management, University of Maine, Orono
  • M.Sc., Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

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